Thursday, June 12, 2014

Payment of Conveyance Allowance To Deaf and Dumb Employees

27/69/2014/25 10th June, 2014
To All Office Bearers / State
Federations /
All India Bankwise Organisations

Dear Comrades,
                  Reg.: Payment of Conveyance   Allowance to Deaf & Dumb Employees

Vide our Circular Letter No.59/15 dated 16.4.2014 we had forwarded
the Government Guidelines dated 11.4.2014 on extension of conveyance allowance to Deaf & Dumb employees working in the Banks at par with Blind and Orthopedically handicapped employees. Since there were doubts about the quantum of allowance to be paid, Government has issued its guidelines dated 20.5.2014 clarifying that the allowance would be Rs.400/- per
month (in addition to Transport Allowance payable under Bipartite
Settlement) as provided in Governments communication dated 18.2.2009.

Units are requested to take note of the same and ensure that the allowance is paid to the concerned employees.

With greetings,
Yours Comradely,
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Deptt. Of Financial Services
3rd Floor, Jeevan Deep Bldg., Parl.
New Delhi, dated
The CMDs of all PSBs/PSICs/FIs
and RBI
Subject:- Payment of Conveyance
Allowance to Deaf and Dumb
employees at par with
Blind and Orthopedically
Handicapped employees.
I am directed to refer to this
Department’s Letter No.3/5/2007-
SCT(B) dated 11.04.2014 on the
above subject and to say that this
Department has received some
references seeking further
clarification in the matter. It is
clarified that ‘conveyance
allowance’ admissible to blind
and orthopedically handicapped
employees in PSBs etc. as
provided in this Department’s
letter of even number dated
18.02.2009 (copy enclosed) has
further been extended to ‘deaf
and dumb’ employees vide this
office letter dtd. 11.04.2014 at
par with blind and orthopedically
handicapped employees.
Yours faithfully,
(J.S. Phaugat)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Deptt. Of Financial Services
New Delhi, dated the 18th
February, 2009
The Chief Executives of all Public
Sector Banks/FIs including
Executive Director, RBI, Mumbai
Chairman, Indian Banks
Association, Mumbai
Subject: Payment of Conveyance
allowances to the blind and
orthopedically handicapped
In partial modifications of this
Ministry (Banking Division’s) letter
No.3-16/2000-SCT(B) dated 14th
December, 2001, I am directed to
say that the Government of India
has approved the upward revision
of the rate of Conveyance
Allowances for disabled employees
(Blind and Orthopedically
Handicapped Employees) in the
Public Sector Banks / Financial
Institutions) from Rs.200/- to
Rs.400/- per month in addition to
the regular transport allowance of
Rs.105/- being paid to all award
staff, payable uniformly at all
The above orders will be effective
from immediate effect.
Yours faithfully,
(M. Sahu)
Under Secretary to the
Government of India

1 comment:

  1. In this matter government order hogaya? Or not? It is also extended to RRB employees?
