Monday, May 19, 2014

Strike On May 23 By Bank Staff

Bank Unions to strike on May 23 against Nayak report-Hindu Business Line-Read my views below

Giving a strike call on May 23 against recommendations of the P J Nayak Committee on corporate governance in public sector banks, various bank employees’ associations said today they would oppose any attempt to privatise state-run banks.
Last week, an RBI working committee headed by former Axis Bank chairman P J Nayak had suggested the government to cut its holding in public sector banks to below 50 per cent.
“Five national organisations representing 10 lakh bank employees and officers will oppose the Nayak Committee recommendations which are aimed at destroying the character of public sector banking,” Maharashtra State Bank Employees’ Federation general secretary Vishwas Utagi said in a statement.
The five bank associations, namely All India Bank Employees’ Association (AIBEA), All India Bank Officers’ Association (AIBOA), Bank Employees’ Federation of India (BEFI), Indian National Bank Employees’ Federation (INBEF) and Indian National Bank Officers’ Congress (INBOC) plan to hold protest demonstrations across the country on May 23.
Other Nayak panel recommendations include merger of public sector banks, transferring ownership of public sector banks to a “bank investment company”, repeal of the Bank Nationalisation Act and SBI Act, as well as bringing banks under the Companies Act, besides increasing voting rights of shareholders in public sector banks to 26 per cent from 10 per cent.
Bank unions issue strike call on May 23 against P J Nayak Committee report-Economic times
My Views are as follows 
News pertaining to call for strike by bank unions is confusing. Heading of news calls for strike on 23rd May but the detailed news asks for only demonstration. Union may give clarification on this issue .

Call of strike at this juncture is totally unwarranted and untimely. As of now there is no government after resignation of Manmohan Singh government. New Government under the leadership of Mr. Narendra Modi has not taken charge till date .
Any demonstration or strike on 23rd of May will prove totally futile and will be condemned by people at large.

Secondly strike against Nayak Report which is not yet discussed and debated by Government of India is totally unjustified. Many reports submitted in the past are hitting the dust and languishing unattended.Union should first watch the attitude of new government of panel report. Pillai Committee report had recommended for reducing retirement age from 60 to 55 or 30 years of service.  But it was not put in force.

Thirdly by calling a strike against report submitted by Nayak Committee will dilute the intensity of demand for early Wage revision as per aspiration of ten lac employees.Bank staff in general are already agitated due to unjustified and undue delay on signing of wage accord.

Congress Party lead UPA government willingly delayed it or postponed it for new government in nexus with some of union leaders. Whatsoever may be the bitter truth behind the delay. But now at least , Union leaders should give some time to New government to take stock of ground realities instead of threatening the government before it is formed.After all Bank unions are not and should not be puppet in the hands of some selfish politicians who have lost the election and who have been rejected by voters of this country.

Sometimes it appears to common bankers that union leaders are playing foul game with bank staff to serve the interest of politicians of their choice. In such cases , it is therefore desirable for top leaders to seek the views of common bankers and it is not impossible in this age of advanced means of communication.Any whimsical decision by top union leaders may create anger among common bankers and result in breaking of strong unity of bank staff.A few leaders cannot be allowed to hijack the crucial issue of wage revision.

Lastly it is important to mention here that Nayak committee has suggested only some guidelines for constitution of boards and that for share holding of government in bank's capital with a purpose of reform and to combat the menace of bad debts which are putting real hurdles in respectable wage hike.. 

 It hardly matters much to bank staff whether bank board is manned by government nominated person or by its own people .  Bank staff will not be so much affected even if the shareholding of the government comes down from 50 to 75 percent to 25 percent or less. Government can make or mar the banks even if they not hold any share. It all depends of honesty, integrity and attitude of the government.

If government is led by unwise or corrupt people , there is no doubt that they may spoil the future of organisation which are totally private. In recent past they (UPA government ) tried to introduce quota in private sector too and in new future they could have tried several steps to loot this country . 

We therefore should not be prejudiced and should have positive attitude for new government which is yet to take birth. There is no doubt in it that "achhe din ane wale hai"


  1. I will not join the strike...u union are playing games with innocent bankers..let it be least we will get rid of dirty unions...persons who work hard does not hv to worry...

  2. Strike on this issue is unnecessary. Will simply prove suicidal as both government and general public will be against us.

  3. The timing is totally wrong besides we are unable to know why union has not included the most pinching issues of wage settlement and 5 day working in the banking industry while calling for this strike.This is total waste of time and personal loss of bankers

  4. I'm not for this strike. This is only stunt for useless, worthless Unions and their equally useless "job security" type workers. Who does not want to perform but want only salary and other facilities with any responsibilities.

  5. this is the' BACHKANA AND BAHKANA

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