Wednesday, May 21, 2014

NUBE Writes Letter To Ministry Of Finance For Sanction Of Five Days Week

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                                 NATIONAL UNION OF BANK EMPLOYEES
(Regd No.3415 / CNI dated 29-07-2011)
Administrative Office: 763, Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002.

Shri.Dr.Gurdial Singh Sandhu                                                                                                                                         Date : 12-05-2014
Secretary, Department of Financial Services
Ministry of Finance
Jeevan Deep Building, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110 001

Dear Sir,
REF: OUR LETTER DATED 23-02-2012 & 08-12-2012

We had vide our letters dated 23-02-2012 & 08-12-2012, requested the Government and IBA to consider our demand for 5 day week in tune with global 5 days scenario as under:

Banks in India, are moving towards the trends prevalent in the developed part of the world, where, customers are encouraged to do their routine banking chores, through alternate banking channels, like Net Banking, ATMs, Mobile Bankings, etc. and visiting “brick and mortar” bank branches are discouraged, barring urgent situations and compliance to this is achieved by imposing charges for transactions done at bank branches, after few free transactions.

The unanimous view of the Central Committee of our Union is that, in the light of the revolutionary changes that have taken place as regards the technology initiative, such as tele-banking, internet banking, core banking, any time banking, anywhere banking etc. and also the banking expansion through a large ATM net work, there is a strong case for immediate consideration of the demand of the NUBE for introduction of 5 day week by the Indian Banks’ Association. There are several strong grounds, apart from the infrastructure now created by the Banking Industry which will not cause any harm to the customers in case 5 day week is introduced in the Banking Industry. The first and foremost reason is, the country will be saving a lot of natural resources by way of reduction in the use of fuel by lakhs of employees working in the Banking Industry, since they depend upon their own personal vehicles to attend office. This will also reduce global warming to an extent. Further, 5 day week will provide good health to bank employees who are toiling without any rest for almost 14 to 16 hours a day on account of increased workload and business growth. The reduction of 2 hours of business on Saturday does not affect customers as almost all Banks have increased business hours by two hours per day from Monday to Friday.

At present all Central government establishments, RBI, Forex Department, Parliament, State Assemblies, Treasury, IT/BT industries and Western Countries observe 5 day week. Majority of State government offices remain closed on Second Saturday of the month. Therefore Banking Industry switching over to 5 day week will not make much difference to routine business. Introduction of 5 day week has benefits as it will go a long way in further strengthening our Banking Industry and delivering better results to the people of the country.

With the introduction of technology in the banking sector, basic Banking services are today available 24X7; RBI, Central Government, State Governments, Insurance Sector, Financial Market, Stock Exchange, Foreign Exchange Markets, etc. are closed on Saturdays and Sundays without causing any major inconvenience to general public at large.

With the increased need for canvassing business, marketing, follow-up recovery, etc. one weekday off is inadequate and there is genuine need to introduce 5 Day banking for the Banks. The matter brooks no delay. In pursuance of the aforesaid logic we adduce the following justifications and once again submit a memorandum of the five day week charter, which was submitted by us earlier, which kindly consider objectively.

The memorandum earlier submitted by us enclosed herewith received wide coverage in many sites in the internet, social media and leading news dailies and Bank employees are eagerly awaiting a just response of our genuine, objective demand. 

The following sites have heralded the memorandum and uploaded the same in their sites in public domain acknowledging the initiative of NUBE:



Even  as early as September 16, 2003, There was a press news   titled  5 day week for banks on the card wherein the  then   IBA Chief Executive Sri.H.N.Sinor said "With most markets closed on Saturdays, it does not make sense to keep Banks open. Banks can work five days a week but for longer hours." The apex bankers' body will hold discussions with various trade bodies on this issue and approach state governments to cut the number of bank holidays recognised under the Negotiable Instruments Act. Under the proposal, Banks across the country will remain closed only on three days a year – January 26, August 15 and October 2. “Banks are now closed on Diwali, Id and all other religious festivals. We want to convert these holidays into sectional holidays, Sinor pointed out. This essentially means that employees belonging to a particular community will be able to take leave on those days but banks will remain open. 

IBA will discuss the proposal with the Confederation of Indian Industry, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry and other business associations, which have been demanding abolition of frequent bank holidays.  If they have no problem with the proposal, the bankers' body will take it up with the finance ministry as well as the state governments. With most banks working 24 hours a day through ATMs and other channels, a five-day week may not face much resistance from the public.  Banks will, however, continue to have the freedom to keep some of their branches open on Saturdays and even on Sundays, depending on local needs.” ( 

We understand from the media that your department/ IBA is favourably inclined to evaluate the demand after objective analysis as appearing in Business Standard, 21st April, 2014 and in The Hindu Business Line dated 18th April, 2014.

We look forward to an early resolution of this long pending demand as per global traditions and/or as being implemented in other establishment of Government. 

We underscore once again the following positive benefits of a 5 days week culture:

Ø  Reduced fuel costs               
Ø  Increased productivity          
Ø  Reduced personnel turnover
Ø  Improved work-life balance  
Ø  Reduced traffic congestion   
Ø  Decreased absenteeism
Ø  Improved job satisfaction and morale
Ø  Reduced energy costs
Ø  Less Disability Claims.  As stress falls, so might disability claims
Ø  Savings in Bank and Nations exchequer

Our Memorandum :

In the light of aforesaid facts, we are hopeful that our justifications in the enclosed booklet memorandum submitted by us earlier as mentioned above would be viewed with fresh perspective in the larger interest of the country enclosed to this letter.

Awaiting your favorable response. 

Thanking you,                                                                                                                                                   Yours faithfully,

Encl : Our Memorandum Booklet –on 5 Day week in Banks
Cc to :    The Chairman, Indian Banks’ Association, Mumbai.                                                          GENERAL SECRETARY
  Sri.M.V.Tanksale, Chief Executive, Indian Banks’ Association, Mumbai.

  Sri.K.Unnikrishnan, Deputy Chief Executive, Indian Banks’ Association, Mumbai.

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