Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Enhancement in Ex Gratia Pension to Pre-1986 Retirees

CIRCULAR NO. 27/46/2013/2 7TH January, 2014

Dear Comrades,

Enhancement in Ex Gratia Pension to Pre-1986 Retirees/surviving spouses

Units are aware that as per the Government scheme, those who had retired from the Bank’s service prior to 1-1-1986 are being paid an Ex Gratia Pension of Rs. 300 + DA per month. Similarly, the surviving spouse of these retirees are being paid a lump sum ExGratia of Rs. 1000 per month (without DA). From AIBEA we have been taking up the issue with the IBA and Government for improving this ExGratia amount. We are happy that the Government has recently agreed and accordingly advised IBA for improvement in the ExGratia as under:

Existing Revised
Pre-1986 Retirees Rs. 300 + DA Rs. 350 + DA
Surviving spouse of pre-1986 Retirees Rs. 1000 ( without DA)
Rs. 175 + DA

The above improvements will be effective from 17-12-2013. Based on the Government’s communication, IBA has issued their Circular to all the Public Sector Banks vide their Circular dated 6-1-2014. The benefit will be as under:

Pre 1986 Retirees Existing Revised
Ex Gratia Pension 300 350
DA in Dec. 2013 at 771.84 % 2315 2701
2615 3051
Increase 436
Spouses of deceased pre-1986 retirees
Ex Gratia Pension 1000 175
DA at 771.84 % No DA 1350
Total ex Gratia 1000 1525
Increase 525

With greetings,

Yours Comradely,


Indian Banks’ Association


No. CIR/HR&IR/G3/2013-14/8615
January 6, 2014

Chief Executives of all Public Sector Banks

Dear Sirs/Madam,

Enhancement in the ex-gratia amount being paid
to the pre-1986 retirees/surviving spouses

We are pleased to inform that the Ministry of Finance, Government of India has enhanced the ex-gratia amount being paid to (1) Surviving Pre-1.1.1986 retirees and (2) Surviving spouses of pre 1.1.1986 retirees based on the recommendations of IBA as below:

Surviving Pre 1.1.1986 retirees Surviving spouses of Pre 1.1.1986 retirees
Existing Rs. 300/- plus applicable Dearness Relief thereon Rs. 1000/- fixed without applicable Dearness Relief thereon
Revised Rs. 350/- plus applicable Dearness Relief thereon Rs. 175/- plus applicable Dearness Relief thereon

We enclose a copy of the Government letter F. No. 11/2/2012-IR dated 17.12.2013 received by us in the matter.

Member Banks may kindly take note of the above and implement the same w.e.f. 17.12.2013, i.e. from the date of Government’s approval.

Yours faithfully,

(Prabir Moulik)
Senior Advisor – HR&IR

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