Thursday, January 9, 2014

Bank Deposit Collectors Got Victory

Collected from Facebook:------------

7th Conference of All India Bank Deposit Collectors’ Federation

The 7th Conference of our All India Bank Deposit Collectors’ Federation is being held in Bangalore on 11th and 12th January, 2014. 

All of us aware of the problems being faced by the Daily Deposit Collectors in the Banks in relation to tehir employment, the scheme and their remuneration. After glorious efforts and two decades of litigation, we could secure the ‘workman’ status for them through the verdict ofSupreme Court. But their other problems have been continuing. It is an irony that while most of the Banks resort to purchase of high cost Deposits unmindful of the implications on profitability, the Banks are generally averse to continue the Daily Deposit Scheme even though the Banks have been able to mobilise substantial deposits through the scheme and with the help of the hard work of Deposit Collectors. Some Banks even want to dispense with the scheme on the plea of non-viability. Various restrictions and ceilings are also imposed on the collections under this Scheme. Thus the Depsoit Collectors have been under constant threat against their jobs and job security.

Similarly, while every other section of the banking staff got their periodical wage revision, these employees were being denied of any revision in their commission earnings. In view of the negative attitude of the managements, their demands for revision in their remuneration again came under litigation before the Central Government’s Industrial Tribunal. We are happy that recently the Tribunal’s Award has been published and some improvement in their commission and conveyance allowance has been awarded by the Tribunal.

AIBEA has decided that their problems should not be allowed to linger on any further and the benefits of the Award should be extended to them at the earliest. In this background, their All India Conference is being held. From AIBEA, Com J P Sharma and Com N Venugopal, Vice Presidents, Com B S Rambabu, Secretary, Com. R Vijayakumar, Joint Secretary, CC Members Com P R Karanth and Com C D Josson and the undersigned will be participating in their Conference to guide their deliberations and decisions. We wish their Conference all success.

With greetings,

Yours Comradely,


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