
Monday, April 18, 2016

Indian Economy Is Growing To Become Number One In The World

Discussion Held on   Naxatra TV on 18th April 2016 On Position of Indian Economy- It Is  Brighter Now Under Modi Regime, Even IMF and World Bank Have Accepted that India's Economy Is Moving in Right Direction. There is Considerable Rise in FDI, Fall in Inflation, Rise IN IIP data by 2% in the month of Fab 2016  , Cut In Repo Rate and Lowering Of Interest Rate By Banks.

And above all , a message has been sent to all defaulters , either tax defaulters or bank loan defaulters , by PM and FM as also by RBI Governor that all posssible legal action will be taken to punish such defaulters and in recovery of  all dues.

A positive environment created by current government for real industrialisation. Prime inister Mr. Narendra Modi has helped a lot in building better image  of the country in international community  and added a lot in India's trustworthiness in world community. This is why India has become top destination for FDI ( Foreign Direct Investment ) overtaking even in China and USA.

These Are Some Of Positive Features which will in due course of time pay dividends to all Indians.  India will no doubt occupy number one position in the world community.

On the other hand  Rise In Bad Debts In PSU banks Is a Matter of concern. Similarly negativity in some section of Media and some section of Indian politics are mattter of concern for the country.

Attitude of Opponents of current government may be anti-Modi,anti-BJP or anti -RSS but they should extend full support in building of nation, in security of nation and in maintaining unity and integrity of the country.

There should be unanimity in all matters which leads to development of the country and which is pro-common men and which are urel pro-growth. Political culture, social peace,mutual respect  and work culture are four pillars which can provide strong support to India's stability and power.

Success of a government in democratic set up depends largely of cooperation among all political parties and is possible only with the cooperation of all citizens of the country. Inclusive politics and inclusive economics are essential feature  for getting success and for achieving the goal of  good governance.

I took part in discussion along with Mr. R K Singh , A Business Man In Auto Sector and Who possesses Good Knowledge In Automobile Industry.

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